Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Trespassers

The Trespassers

By Logan W.
The Trespassers was not that good of a book and did not impress me. It seemed like it was trying to be scary but wasn’t. Also, parts were added to make it dramatic but the book had foolish endings. The conflict was too quickly solved, not allowing the reader to understand how the disagreements and tragedies started and developed, instead the Trespassers gave too much information on what the surroundings were like.
The story starts when summer vacation starts and an older sister has to help her eight-year-old brother [thus being Neely and Grub]. Neely is the only person in her family who can help Grub get through his strange emotions. They usually go up the hill to a mansion known as Halcyon House. Halcyon House’s previous inhabitants had bad luck running through their rich blood, making some to believe the manor is haunted. Despite what others say, the two sneak into the house and explore; that is until the owners, the Hutchingson’s, return to the mansion. Neely and Grub and the family that live at the home will have to get along before and accidents happen in this haunted mansion.

The story is not scary and does not explain how the conflicts are solved. It includes a very bad ending, by not explaining how things happened. The book told me useless information about the past. To top it off, the main conflict is in the last 18 pages [has no climax!]. This book is unfitting to its genre and is not good. The book is for people over age 10 who want short reads and no fantasy [if you still want to read this book].

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