Friday, October 31, 2014

By Griffin H.

Jonas is a normal boy in a normal city, where seemingly nothing goes on. There is no crime, no war, no fear, or any memories of pain. Every year that someone turns twelve, they are assigned a job.
The world goes on, oblivious to whatever happens around them, and the Giver is the one who holds all the memories of love, pain, and even death, and Jonas is singled out to become his student, to pass on the memories of real life outside of the city.
This is an amazingly well- written story with an imagination to match. This book’s descriptive properties make you feel as if you were in the story itself, with Jonas, during his rapidly changing lifestyle in a seemingly unchanging city. The book about his life, his family, and even possibly his escape from the city.

I would recommend The Giver to students in grades 4 and up. It’s a great read and won the Newberry Award for a good reason.

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